
1913 Massacre One of Woody’s greatest songs. A great story, told simply. And his usual lesson: “The parents they cried and the miners they moaned – see what your greed…

Well, that was more of a break between posts than I was hoping for. I can blame Buffalo’s preposterous Christmas Blizzard, but the big storm actually gave me plenty of…

George Monbiot on traffic calming and control, in The Guardian Summary: Direct, physical changes to neighborhood streets that reduce the volume and speed of traffic increase personal safety and community…

. . . that I interpreted as being about privilege. One group of people was “all right”, the other group couldn’t win for nothin’. Rained on, pushed aside, not ignored…

This is a watercolor my mother, Nancy Hayes, painted around 1949. View is to the south/southeast, from a ninth floor window at 23 High Street, Buffalo. Edited for clarification: I’m…

. . . it should be: Jesse Ventura, in the course of his successful run for Minnesota governor, was asked by a reporter if wrestling is “fake,” to which he…