New Domain Name

At the end of my Free Press post, I said “More later”, so here’s some more. Fred Clark talks about using an RSS reader, and links to a journalism site…

Well now, Buffalo’s gearing up for its first real Mayoral election in many years. The Byron Brown era is finally over, and not a moment too soon. It was the…

I’ve never really used Twitter. I had an account, but it seems Twitter’s approach to publishing, if you can call it that, doesn’t fit with the way my mind works….

Let’s talk about newspapers. They’re dying in the US, with a few exceptions, some big city dailies, legacy papers (NYT, WaPo) and a few outliers. This is clearly a ruling…

To all my friends who consider themselves progressives, or lefties, or socialists, or Big-D Democrats or whatever term fits you, here’s a way to directly support one of our country’s…

Stick together. Help each other in any way you can. Build alternative systems. Work your job. Join a union. If you don’t have a union, organize one. Push back against…

I’m experimenting with one of ChatGPT’s image generators. Here are some results. I’ll be writing more about this. To begin with, it’s not anything close to human intelligence. Kind of…

1913 Massacre One of Woody’s greatest songs. A great story, told simply. And his usual lesson: “The parents they cried and the miners they moaned – see what your greed…