Stick together. Help each other in any way you can. Build alternative systems. Work your job. Join a union. If you don’t have a union, organize one. Push back against oppression at every opportunity. Include everyone. Don’t stop speaking up and speaking out. Be brave. Encourage others to be brave.
Do all those prepping things we’ve been talking about since the pandemic. Build your pantry. Build your neighbor’s pantry, your block’s pantry. Plant your garden. Take care of your house and your street. Check up on the old folks. Be kind to people. Share. Enlarge your circle.
Remember the people of Chile voted Pinochet out and eventually put him in a box.
Remember the Basques built the largest worker-owned cooperative on the planet, right smack in the middle of Franco’s rule of Fascist Spain.
Remember right-thinking people, who aren’t afraid of their fellow citizens, outnumber the ignorant, deluded people who voted for this.